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Monday, 4 June 2012

11 tips to get pregnant quickly

Pregnancy is a gift that is not finite for every newly married women. But, often we hear that not all women are fortunate to be able to experience pregnancy. Most women have to wait long before being able to conceive. If you are planning a pregnancy, there are 11 tips that you can practice to increase your fertility and subsequent pregnancy more quickly.

1. Understand how pregnancy can occurs. 
If your period regularly, every mid-egg will be released by the ovaries, and if at the same time you are connected, the sperm from the vagina into the uterus will swim and will meet the waiting egg in the reproductive tract (fallopian canal). Understanding how your reproductive system works makes you more sensitive to fertility factors and also to understand why women fail to conceive.

2. See your doctor. 
Make sure you are free from any problem with visiting a doctor. Cyst, endometriosis or fibroid is a disease often associated with difficult pregnancies. Unfortunately, women often experience no symptoms and if the diagnosis can be made at the early, effective treatment may be able to provide and avoid the difficult problem of pregnancy. If your period regularly and have tried for a year to get pregnant, you may be able to take into account test sperm analysis and HSG (hysteros-salphingography) to ensure you are not blocked fallopian canal.

3. Reduce the pressure. 
Life is stressful, it is not logical if there is no stress in life ni. However, very depressed also been associated with infertility.

4. Stay away from drugs, cigarettes and liquor.
Smoking, using drugs and alcohol is not only a negative impact on fertility but also increases the risk of miscarriage and pregnancy complications.

5. Have a balanced diet. 
Control of food intake is very important especially when you have a problem ovulation and ovulation problems are linked to PCOS, which is one reason why pregnant women difficult. PCOS is associated with insulin resistant problems where it will add to the problem of your ovulation.

6. Exercise routine. 
Exercise is the way to your overall health and better prepared to cope with stress during pregnancy and during delivery.

7. Increase fertility husband. 
Make sure that the reproductive health of her husband at the optimal point mempraktis healthy lifestyle including a balanced diet and optimal body weight, exercising, not smoking and refrain from any alcoholic beverages. If there are any issues during sex, such as premature ejaculation, it is best you can discuss with your doctor. It may cause you to delay pregnancy.

8. Take a multivitamin. 
It is recommended for all women planning a pregnancy take a daily vitamin including folic acid to reduce the risk of fetal defects. The husband is recommended to take zinc supplements to increase sperm production.

9. More frequent sex. 
Having sex more often is important to ensure you get pregnant faster. Sex 3-4 times a week is recommended, and on fertile days, connected to your every day. Some sex positions can make you more happy to be pregnant as her husband on the (missionary position). This may be the best position to ensure optimal penetration where sperm is released closest to the cervix. To ensure no spillage of sperm, put a pillow under your hips for 30 minutes, or let the husband penis in vagina for 15 minutes after ejaculation.

10. Get the ideal body weight.
If you have a weight that is too large or too thin, it may give problems to your fertility. Control your weight and trying about BMI (Body Mass Index) you. BMI between 20-24 shows the optimal weight.

11. Know your fertile time. 
Your fertile days only 4-5 days a month and know exactly fertile days, you can increase your chances to conceive. Considers fertile days can be accurately if your period regularly. Note the BBT (basic body temperature), you and try to see the signs of ovulation such as cervical mucus is more smooth and stomach cramps in the middle months. You can buy ovulation kits at pharmacies if we want to predict more accurately the time of ovulation.

If you need a consultant to help you to get pregnant quickly, you can visit this site Pregnancy Miracle e-Book. There are many testimonials that you can read as evidence of the effectiveness of the method given.